Fireworks and Dogs: How to Avoid Disaster

Fireworks can be lots of fun for humans, but consider what they're like from your dog's perspective! Many dogs are terrified or even traumatized by the sudden loud noises and bright flashes. Here are some tips for keeping your dog safe on fireworks nights.

What's not to like?

All across the country, fireworks tend to happen regularly throughout the warmer months. They may be part of a municipal long weekend celebration, a large festival or tourist attraction, or even barbeques in nearby back yards.

Given that dogs have far more sensitive hearing than we do—four times sharper—the loud and unpredictable bangs can be more intense, and overwhelming for them. Not understanding why they are happening can also make dogs feel anxious, and trigger their fight-or-flight response.

In particular, dogs who have been brought to fireworks displays as a puppy can end up with a lifelong fear as a result. Not only do the noises hurt their sensitive ears, the crowds can be overwhelming as well. It's best to keep them at home.